Greater Than Or Equal To In Microsoft Word Mac

Im new to the Apple word and have just purchased an MacBook Pro. Im slowly finding my way around however i am missing Microsoft word. Does anyone have any good suggestions for the Apple equivalent. I don't mind purchasing however if there are any free or cost effective solutions that would be great.

  • Macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), airport extreme Posted on Oct 27, 2011 1:47 PM Reply I have this question too (1249) I have this question too Me too (1249) Me too.
  • Relational greater than/greater than or equal to. Microsoft Word - COperatorPrecedenceTable.docx Author: babic Created Date: 10/2/2013 1:20:33 PM.

To insert some symbols, you can press Ctrl+K, in the status bar of the Equation Editordialog box you can see Symbol and than type next key:

I - Infinity

A - Arrow

D - Derivative (partial)

Greater Than Or Equal To Symbol In Word Mac

< - Less than or equal to

> -Greater than or equal to

T - Times

E - Element of

Shift+E - Not an element of

C - Contained in

Shift+C - Not contained in

Inserting templates in an equation using keys

Templates can be inserted using a Ctrl+character combination or a Ctrl+T,character sequence.

Note: Some key combinations are not available with Windows NT.

Ctrl+9 or Ctrl+0 - Parentheses

Ctrl+[ or Ctrl+] - Brackets

Ctrl+{ or Ctrl+} - Braces

Ctrl+F - Fraction

Ctrl+/ - Slash fraction

Ctrl+H - Superscript (high)

Ctrl+L - Subscript (low)

Ctrl+J - Joint sub/superscript

Greater Than Or Equal To In Microsoft Word Mac

Ctrl+I - Integral

Ctrl+T - Absolute value

Ctrl+R - Root

Ctrl+T, N - nth root

Ctrl+T, S - Summation

Ctrl+T, P - Product

Ctrl+T, M - Matrix template 3X3

Greater Than Or Equal To In Microsoft Word

Ctrl+T, U - Underscript (limit)

All of these symbols are characters from the Symbol font, so they can also be inserted by usingtheir Alt key character codes.

Applying embellishments in an equation using keys

You can attach an embellishment to the selected character to the left of the insertion point withkeyboard shortcuts.

Ctrl+Shift+Hyphen - Overbar

Ctrl+Shift+~ - Tilde

Ctrl+Alt+Hyphen - Arrow (vector)

Ctrl+Alt+' - Single prime

Greater Than Or Equal To In Microsoft Word Mac Os

Ctrl+Shift+' - Double prime

Ctrl+Alt+Period - Single dot